
Nothing exhibited at the moment

Group show in Germany

Selected past exhibitions

MoBU 2024 – International Art Fair of Bucharest (The Times They Are A-Changing – a VaultOne Gallery exhibition)
Bridging Realms at Vault One Gallery in Cluj-Napoca
Annual Salon of the Barabás Miklós Guild at the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca

Annual Art Salon at the Art Museum of Cluj
Artistic Convergences, Art Museum Cluj-Napoca
Oasis of Fragmented Memories, Urban Cultural Center: Tailors Tower Cluj-Napoca, part of World Cyanotype Day
Solo exhibition: Impudent Light is All I Have, WIT Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
The 24th National Salon of Miniature Art, at the Art Gallery of Brăila; Brăila, Romania
The 5th Gra-Fo-Media Biennial #Protest, at the Art Nouveau Gallery; Târgu Mureș, Romania

Annual Art Salon of Cluj, at the Art Museum; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Romanian Graphic Art 2022 National Salon, at the Căminul Artei Gallery; Bucharest, Romania
Art Teachers Salon from Cluj, at National History Museum of Transylvania; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The 23rd National Salon of Miniature Art, at the Art Gallery of Brăila; Brăila, Romania

Annual Art Salon of Cluj, at the Art Museum; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The 4th Gra-Fo-Media Salon #Protest, at the Art Nouveau Gallery; Târgu Mureș, Romania
“The Master” group exhibition at Borgo Prund Room of Bistrița-Năsăud Museum Complex; Bistrița, Romania
Romanian Graphic Art 2021 National Salon, at the Căminul Artei Gallery; Bucharest, Romania
Artdoc Magazine: Empty Streets, online exhibition
The 22th National Salon of Miniature Art, at the Art Gallery of Brăila; Brăila, Romania
“Luminesence” group exhibition at Reperaj Art Gallery; Oradea, Romania
“In Virtu – In virtue of digital virtuality” group exhibition at Reperaj Art Gallery; Oradea, Romania

Masculinity: Mandates and Diversities, student project and exhibition at University of Guadalajara, Mexico
The 3th Gra-Fo-Media Salon #Protest, at the Art Nouveau Gallery; Târgu Mureș, Romania
Romanian Graphic Art 2020 National Salon, at the Căminul Artei Gallery; Bucharest, Romania
G6 – International Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, pandemic online exhibition
“Studio / Inventory” group exhibition at the Casino – Center for Urban Culture; Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Annual Art Salon of Cluj, at the Art Museum; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The 2nd Gra-Fo-Media Salon #Protest, at the Art Nouveau Gallery; Târgu Mureș, Romania
“Self-portrait” The Art Teachers Salon, at Ladea Gallery; Cluj-Napoca, Romania